There is no better feeling than rolling out your yoga mat preparing for an amazing, relaxing, and even challenging yoga session. Unfortunately, this feeling of bliss is quickly interrupted when you realize your once pristine yoga mat is now covered in a sticky, grimy coating. Thankfully, you can easily clean your dirty yoga mat and restore it to its clean state once again.
How Often Is it Necessary to Clean Your Yoga Mat?
When you work out in a gym, using weights or machines used by countless others, you hope the gym is cleaning regularly in between clients. Perhaps, you even bring your own wipes and ensure the job is done properly before using said equipment. In the same way, your yoga mat deserves a deep cleaning to keep bacteria, dirt, and smells at bay. It’s easiest to make this a habit that you complete on a regular basis. How often is dependent on your personal use. If you sweat a great deal during your practice, you might need to wipe your mat down after each session. If you don’t, you can opt instead for a once a week cleaning session. Just think of your yoga mat like you would your favorite activewear apparel or best yoga pants. You wouldn’t dream of letting these items just sit after a sweat-inducing yoga session. Treat your mat similarly.
What Products Do You Use, Regular Soap?
You can use a variety of products to clean your yoga mat, but you want to avoid regular soap or all-purpose cleaners. The most common cleaning mixture among yogis is an equal mixture of white vinegar, distilled water, and a splash of tea tree oil. The tea tree oil is a proven antibacterial agent. The white vinegar also works to disinfect your mat. Use minimal solution and little water. It’s super easy to waterlog your mat, so you don’t have to douse your mat to do the job.
Create a shortcut to use when you have to rush out after a session by using an essential oil wipe like these from Balanced Body. If you like the idea of an actual cleaning solution but don’t want to create your own, you can always purchase a spray cleaner with natural ingredients designed to clean workout mats, such as this one by Black Diamond Stoneworks. (Check out the manufacturer’s instructions to learn about any cleaning products to avoid.)
How to Clean Your Yoga Mat Properly
After your yoga session, use the wipes mentioned above to wipe your mat down, or spritz the cleaning solution on both sides of your mat. Then, wipe the solution off with a clean towel. This will kill all pathogens hanging out on your mat’s surface. It will also improve the smell immensely, which you will greatly appreciate the next time you enjoy a lengthy child’s pose. Be sure to clean both sides of your mat, not just the one. Microbes migrate from the dirty to the clean side when you roll up your mat, so clean both sides to ensure your clean mat stays that way.
Keep your yoga mat clean to prevent bacteria growth, yucky smells, sticky grime, and possible infections. The information above explains ways to make this process easy. Put them into action the next time you use your yoga mat. Take care of your beloved yoga mat just as you would your best activewear leggings and you will be on the right track.